
This assignment assembled me to make a blog to record a series of work that demonstrates my explorations of the idea of documentary photography. Which I’ve communicated by referring to family documentary. I feel I have efficaciously achieved my initial idea by producing a blog. I’m pleased with my outcomes of doing the blog, which assembles of artist research, test shoots, postproduction and my final product. As discussed in my concept my series of images would not be any more than 10 images and no less than 6. As I found to tell an actual story worked much better having a group of photographs as it captures the full story you’re trying to portray. I’m happy with the amount I’ve chosen which is 6 final prints; it isn’t to many or to less to work with.

My initial research has influenced me throughout my work from the way I have captured my images as result of the elements I have triaged such as lighting, the contrast and darkness of each shot and also different viewpoints and audience views. My main influence through out this assignment has been ‘Richard Billingham’ as the way he creates an appealingly beautiful shot. Which just looks like such a natural overall image. I feel like I have utilized Billingham’s work into mine by using similar elements such as viewpoints, lighting and composition. Also creating a similar overall natural look, which represents a daily life or routine.

As very accruing in documentary photography I have gone with an initial idea of having my final prints in black and white. It is very common with in documentary photography. As therefore why I choose the traditional black and white images. But then I find it denotes the connection and overall feel of the shots it brings to the audience much more than if it was shot in colour.

My overall outcome of my final images portrays my idea in a natural light and gritty formality. I’ve portrayed my idea in a way I depict a families routine should be portrayed than what you would usually episcopacy. On the whole I generally am happy with the amount of prints I have accomplished and chosen. Also pleased with choosing white mount board as it brings the black and white out more in the image as you can see the finer details and the contrast with in each shot. All final prints are 12×8; printing went well it wasn’t rushed. I feel like I should have took more time trying to mount my final prints as I sort have rushed and stuck them down quickly.

Throughout the project I would not say I had a majority of mistakes and improvements, the only thing I would maybe change is either having 8 prints which the other two shots would portray a portrait shot so it would fit in with the one shot I have got of ‘Jasmin’. But other than that I feel like I accomplished the assignment extremely well and I personally believe it was successful.

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