Evaluation of final Images

The Final pieces are not in a specific order I have just ordered them as I visually see them.

(Final Images)

Final Image 1

My first final Image portrays the two kids sat patiently on the floor eating their tea. Absorbed into the Tv, and not giving a care in the world at what is happening. They look so concentrated and amazed by what is happening behind myself. It gives the Image that realistic natural feel.

The lighting used is natural light shining through the window and by the use of ambient lighting. The lighting creates that normal and natural look to the image. The viewpoint I have used is not directly infront of the subject, but to the side and above to get a more dynamic feel. Even though the subject isn’t directly in the middle of the shot I do still feel that the audience can keep connected with the subject and not out of the frame. I personally feel like the kids faces have so much emotion with in them which makes the audience so more involved in the shot. It makes me intrigued what the kids are thinking.

My personal opinion, I feel the shot is a substantial piece, it portrays documentary how I comprehend and distinguish it. Which demonstrates my explorations of the way I see family documentary and the way the audience should pursue it.

Final Image 2

Second final Image indicates the two kids playing on a slide outside in their family garden. I feel like it displays a well established concept of showing what the kids do day to day in their lives. Not really having any communication with anyone apart from each other and what there preparation is with the slide. I feel this makes the Image natural and brings out the characteristics of the shot. Making it appear more realistic.

The lighting with in this shot forces an aesthetically pleasing feel to it creating a normal, usual, natural look to the shot. The viewpoint is from the side of the subject. Giving the audience a different perspective to look at.

In one’s own view, I consider that the shot is a strong piece. Which portrays my considerations of documentary. I love the atmosphere of the shot and the way everything looks messy in the garden. Usually in a shot like this you wouldn’t see the gritty moments. But that’s what I like with in the shot it makes it much more realistic and natural which I wanted to portray.

Final Image 3

Third final Image displays the two kids playing in the garden. Portraying a natural genuine day with the family. The concept of the shot shows so much emotion and connection with the viewer. Mainly coming from the kids attitude which makes the shot much more powerful and intriguing.

The lighting is all natural in the shot. I love the contrast and the dark shadows which brings out the emotion and connection. The viewpoint this time is still on the side but more in front, as you have pretty much a straight forward shot of the kids which I like as you can have that full connection with the kids and feel more involved with the shot.

My personal opinion about the shot is positive as I like the way it is not staged and it just seems like i have done a quick snapshot of the kids playing, obviously with out them knowing. I especially like the facial expression on ‘Jasmin’s’ face it brings that extra touch to the Image and makes it more real and alive, which makes the viewers more absorbed and fascinated.

Final Image 4

My fourth final Image portrays ‘Yamin’ popping in from work with ‘Sarah’ sat on the couch and the kids playing in the living room. I instantly have a connection with this shot I feel like it is one of the strongest shots I have done, It wasn’t planned, it was very natural and pretty much just a quick shot of them all together. I love how absorbed the kids are over ‘Yamin’ and so intrigued at what he is saying for them both to be starring at him and to be able to have that connection with him. As a viewer my self it makes me fascinated and want to know what is happening. I find it has the most powerful narrative to the shot more than the other images I have took.

The lighting in this shot is natural, no lighting used only ambient light and light coming from the window. I have darkened the Image to make it look more contrasted to give that extra touch. The viewpoint is directly straight forward which I like as you can see everyones positions and what is happening with in the room, you have that connection with each person in the shot.

As mentioned above I personally think this is my strongest shot from all 6 Images as it has the most connection with the audience and brings that intrigued feeling for the viewers to work out and try to understand.

Final Image 5

Fifth final Image, communicates ‘Sarah’ holding ‘Jasmin’ while being asleep and ‘Jensen’ playing with the Tv. I individually don’t think this shot is as strong as the other 5 images personally because compared to number 4, as its quite similar as its the same area, it doesn’t seem as enduring. Their doesn’t seem as much going on with in the shot. But then I also thought it fitted in with my other 5 images as it shows that same initial idea of the kids playing and their natural day routine, with also fitting together with Image 4 as very similar.

Lighting with in this image is again natural lighting coming from the window behind and the ambient light in the room. The viewpoint is coming from the side of the shot, which could indicate why the image doesn’t seem as strong as the others because you haven’t got that connection with the kids faces.

My opinion on the Image, is quite negative as discussed above, as I don’t feel like their’s that connection with the kids like the viewers have with the other Images. Although I do like the way ‘Jensen’ is so absorbed in the Tv like any child would be.

Final Image 6

My final sixth Image is a portrait of ‘Jasmin’ casually sat eating her tea absorbed in to the Tv, her facial expression indicates very confused. I instantly just want to know what the child is thinking. Which makes the audience very involved with the Image.

As mentioned in my final selection, (on the blog) discussed that I wasn’t to sure with a portrait shot of ‘jasmin’ as I don’t particular think it fitted with the other 5 images as all of the rest are took of everyone. So I thought if i choose another portrait to go with this shot of like of ‘Jensen’, this could work. But then realising it would make me have 7 final prints, which I didn’t want. So I just  kept with the portrait shot of ‘Jasmin’.

The lighting with in this shot portrays natural lighting which is slightly coming from the window which is at the side of ‘Jasmin’ which brings a nice shadow along her face. The viewpoint is directly in front of her face which brings that connection and emotion to her thoughts and position.

I personally think this is a strong piece and works well with the documentary style as it displays so much passion and warmth which makes the image a lot more aesthetically engaging.

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